Real Estate Management and the Taxes

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The real estate tax shall be levied on the buildings and separate sites located on the territory of the country, as well as on the landed properties located within the construction boundaries of the settlements and settlement formations, and the landed properties outside them, which according to a detailed development plan have the purpose under Art. . 8, item 1 of the Spatial Planning Act (for residential, public service, production, storage, resort, villa, sports and entertainment functions, for green areas, for decorative water systems, for traffic and transport, including for bicycle lanes and for movement of people with disabilities and others) and after a change of purpose of the land, when this is required by a special law.

They are not taxed

  • The land properties occupied by streets, roads from the republican and municipal road networks and the railway network to the restrictive construction lines;
  • Land properties occupied by water bodies, state and municipal property;
  • Agricultural lands and forests, with the exception of built-up lands – for the actually built-up area and the adjacent terrain;
  • Real estate with a tax assessment of up to $1,680 inclusive.

Taxpayers are:

  • The owners of taxable real estate
  • In case of established real right of use, the user is taxable
  • In the case of a concession, the concessionaire is liable to tax
  • The owner of a building built on state or municipal land property is also liable for this property or the respective part of it

For property- state or municipal property, the person to whom the property is provided for management is taxable. When the right of ownership or the limited real right over taxable real estate is owned by several persons, they owe tax respectively on their parts. Real estate tax is paid regardless of whether the real estate is used or not. For calculating it you need the use of the income tax calculator now.

Tax base

The tax base for taxation of residential and non-residential properties of citizens is the tax assessment of the property, determined according to the norms in the appendix to the law. In the same way the basis for taxation of residential properties of enterprises is determined.

The tax base for taxation of non-residential properties of enterprises is the higher between their book value and the tax assessment according to an appendix to the law.  

How is the tax assessment formed?

The tax assessment of real estate is determined by norms in accordance with an annex to the law, depending on the type of property, location, area, structure and obsolescence and is communicated to the taxable persons.

Tax rates

The rate of the real estate tax is determined by an ordinance of the municipal council in the range of 0.1 and 4.5 per thousand on the tax assessment of the real estate.

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